Wednesday, November 21, 2007

An Amazing Combo!

What do you get when you combine a man dressed as a woman and Riverdance?

Monday, November 19, 2007

My Favorite Gas Station

During one of my recent trips down south, I discovered a "favorite gas station". It's a Chevron in Fillmore that has a bathroom with tile covered walls and hand dryers that practically blow your skin off. In addition to the amazing bathrooms, there are these freaky porcelain dolls in the entry way. They range from 3 footers to little minatures. On the most recent trip down I discovered one more reason for nominating this as my favorite gas station.
These should really be sold right along with the following:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Let the Good Times Roll

I'm headed to St. George this weekend to run a race and see Joel in Sweeney Todd. Needless to say, I am pretty excited to head south to a warmer climate. The last time I was down, it was snowing in Salt Lake. We got to go hike around Zion instead. This is a pic near the Emerald Pools. All our pics our here (Some Wasatch Crest pics are there too):

Sweeney Todd looks like a slightly demented kind of play. Here is the trailer for the movie.

According to Joel, it makes him feel like he put pop rocks down
his pants : o