Once again, it's been a long time since I have added to my blog, but I'll pick up where I left off.

This guy is the chef at the breakfast diner in 50 First Dates. He runs an entertainment company and his family does Hula. Josiah, Andrea, and Brian volunteered to participate in an activity and learned how to act.
We signed up to do a sunset dinner cruise, but there was a huge storm so we had to dress up in garbage sacks and hang out at the pier instead.

There is a crab in here, can you see it?
At the end of May my family headed to the Big Island, Hawaii. It was my first time going to Hawaii and I was not let down. Rather than give a travelogue, I'll just post some of the best pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Waipio Valley Overlook
A really cool flower at the gardens, this photo has not been touched by Photoshop.
Getting ready for some snorkeling.
This guy is the chef at the breakfast diner in 50 First Dates. He runs an entertainment company and his family does Hula. Josiah, Andrea, and Brian volunteered to participate in an activity and learned how to act.
Digging up the roasted pig.
We signed up to do a sunset dinner cruise, but there was a huge storm so we had to dress up in garbage sacks and hang out at the pier instead.
The last day of our trip was my favorite. We hiked down into the Waipio Valley. There was a beautiful black sand beach and a ginormous waterfall. We met some people who were kayaking out into the ocean to spend a week in the next valley over. Their friend gave us a ride back up to the top in the back of his truck. I want to go back and exerience Hawaii by kayak.

There is a crab in here, can you see it?