I have a tradition of going on a really cool hike for my birthday. The past few years it was hiking the backside of Timpanogas, but this year I decided that it was time for something new. The winner for this year was the Pfeiferhorn.
This hike starts at the White Pine Lake Trailhead in Little Cottonwood Canyon.
Here we are, bright and early getting ready to start the hike.

The hike was absolutely incredible!
We followed some misleading directions and ended up at this lake. It was beautiful, but it ended up being an hour and a half detour.
Once we got back on the right path, we ended up at this next lake.
After we passed the lake we had to hike straight up a hill and ended up here. It was totally worth it!
Because of our previous detour we didn't have time to hike all the way to the top, so we decided to go for a swim. In case you can't tell, the white stuff in the back is snow...so yes, this lake is just melted, freezing cold snow.
Mauricio was really excited!